My team is here to serve. Our unique backgrounds, training and experience have prepared us well to help meet your insurance needs. Additionally, as residents of your community, we understand how important it is to be there for you - our trusted friends and neighbors. Together, we're building strong partnerships that help everyone succeed!
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  • (844) 597-8355
Shirley Verrett smiling in front of a sign

Angelyn Blanchard

Non-Licensed Staff

Keanna Williams

Customer Service Representative
Keanna Williams has worked for the Miller Agency in St. Louis, Missouri since April of 2021. She is licensed to sell and service Property and Casualty insurance needs. When not in the office Keanna enjoys a day of relaxing indoors. When Keanna does go out she enjoys trips to the court, the mall, or just socializing with friends. Keanna is a “Rookie” in the insurance industry, but she is thoroughly enjoying every minute of learning how to be able to meet every insured’s needs. While being licensed Keanna is still considered the Customer Service Specialist as she handles all day to day basics. From collecting payments, looking over accounts to make sure all discounts are applied, billing questions, to in depth questions regarding policies. The goal is that all customer’s needs are handled and that they feel every decision made was of their best interest and they received our full undivided attention. Without our valued customers there would be no us so everything we do is customer based. New or recurring customers it does not matter the drive to make sure every customer feels safe and secure in the time of need is the goal.